Shanxi Bethune Hospital, China
Min Chen, PhD in Medicine/Oncology from University of Heidelberg, Germany, born in Wuhan in 1967, graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology/Tongji Medical College, and studied under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Harald zur Hausen, President of the German Cancer Research Centre (GCRC), the Nobel Prize Laureate for Medicine in 2008, who is an internationally renowned virologist. Min Chen's research interests include tumour molecular mechanisms, tumour immunotherapy, translational medicine and molecular image-guided tumour diagnosis and treatment systems.
Min Chen has been a lecturer at the Heart Institute of the University of Texas Medical School, a senior researcher at the Institute of Oncology of the National Institutes of Health, an assistant professor at the University of Florida College of Medicine, a researcher at the Cheung Kong Scholars Laboratory of the Medical College of Shantou University, a deputy director of the Central Laboratory of Xiangan Hospital of Xiamen University, a director of the preparation of the Guangdong Neusoft Institute/Health Care Science and Technology, and a director of the Medical Laboratory Centre of the Third Clinical Hospital of Shanxi Medical University (Shanxi Baiqiu'en Hospital), Shanxi Medical University.
After coming to China, Min Chen has presided over and participated in about 10 major research projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, national and provincial projects and talent funding projects, with a total of 7,550,000 RMB, and won the second prize of Science and Technology of 2020 Chinese Anti-Cancer Association. Min Chen has also edited 7 patents and 2 textbooks and monographs. Min Chen's research results have been published in international and domestic journals, such as Circulation, Oncogene, Journal of Virology, FASEB Journal, International Journal of Cancer, Molecular Cancer Therapeutic, Cancer letter, Cell Death and Disease, Oncogenesis and Theranostics.